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Monday, March 24, 2014

Fernandez v. California
Police officers observed a suspect in a violent robbery run into an apartment building, and heard screams coming from one of the apartments. They knocked on the apartment door, which was answered by Roxanne Rojas, who appeared to be battered and bleeding. When the officers asked her to step out of the apartment so that they could conduct a protective sweep, petitioner came to the door and objected. Suspecting that he had assaulted Rojas, the officers removed petitioner from the apartment and placed him under arrest. He was then identified as the perpetrator in the earlier robbery and taken to the police station. An officer later returned to the apartment and, after obtaining Rojas' oral and written consent, searched the premises, where he found several items linking petitioner to the robbery. The trial court denied petitioner's motion to suppress that evidence, and he was convicted. The California Court of Appeal affirmed. It held that because petitioner was not present when Rojas consented to the search, the exception to permissible warrantless consent searches of jointly occupied premises that arises when one of the occupants present objects to the search, Georgia v. Randolph, did not apply, and therefore, petitioner's suppression motion had been properly denied.

My opinion is that Fernandez is guilty of robbery.

Monday, December 16, 2013

Bellringer 12/16/2013
#10. First Chinese craft to land on an extraterrestrial body will study moon's surface before China sends astronauts there.
#9.Big guns fired a salute in the rural village where Nelson Mandela grew up and military servicemen marched stiffly behind his casket on a winding dirt road Sunday as South Africa said goodbye for the last time to the man who reconciled the country in its most vulnerable period.
#8.President Obama on Saturday told an influential audience in Washington that his pursuit of a comprehensive diplomatic deal to end Iran’s development of a nuclear weapon is as likely to fail as succeed, but he defended it as the best option to protect U.S. and Israeli national security with respect to the issue.
#7.The U.S. government shutdown is threatening a long-awaited deal to create the world's largest marine sanctuary in Antarctica. Americans are among the most enthusiastic proponents, but they might not make it to the negotiating table.
#6.Tokyo Bay area property prices stand to benefit the most in the lead up to the 2020 Olympic Games, adding to the recovery in the city’s real estate values after 20 years of declines.
#5.Asiana announced Monday that it will sue a San Francisco TV station that it said damaged the airline's reputation by using bogus and racially offensive names for four pilots on a plane that crashed earlier this month in San Francisco.
#4.The winner of the men's race at the Boston Marathon says he is returning his winner's medal to honor the city and those killed and injured in the terrorist bombings near the finish line of one of the world's top running events.
#3.Scientists in Colombia have been able to calculate the trajectory of the meteor that injured 1,000 in Russia this month using data gleaned from local camera footage and a lake landing spot.
#2.Pope Francis has reaffirmed the Vatican's criticism of a body that represents U.S. nuns that the Church said was tainted by "radical" feminism, dashing hopes that he might take a softer stand with the sisters.
#1.Large groups of brawling teenagers sparked a stampede at a Louisiana mall that led police to evacuate the shopping center and shut it down early.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Bellringer 11/1/13
1. Was this a justifiable shooting?
No all it was was a prank and the man took things way to far!!!!
2. What does this type of action say about society?
That some people dont know how to take a joke.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

bellringer 10/15/13
how do we keep events like this from happening? 
Be a little stricter in schools and who they hire to work in schools.
bellringer 10/22/13
1. Do you believe this is a frivolous law suit? Why or why not?
I think he should be punished because he is fine and not suffering from injuries if he can push a bolder.

2, On another note, do you believe the men who toppled the rock should be charged with destruction of property? Why or Why not?  Yes because it was a state park.
bellringer 10/28/13
1. Read the article and write your initial response.

2. Do you feel that the writer is correct in his opinion?
I think he had his opinion and ill have mine and thats okay because we live in america where we all dont have to agree.

3. Why do you feel their is still an issue with the confederate flag still nearly 150 years later?
Because people get to sensative.
Adam Suder 10/29/13 bellringer
1. Do you feel the "fat test" is legal?
I think that it could help with the obisity level but other than that I dont know.

2. Does your weight make you "fit"?
Not always.

3. How would you handle this issue if you were the government?
I would have to think about it.